Saturday, March 6, 2010

What is more important to you, appearance or personality?

I usually notice a guy's height and clothing first, but personality is everything.
If you're an asshole, I probably won't be into you.
I like strong willed and independent.
I like someone who has thoughts and opinions, that aren't easily influenced.

What are some examples of prejudice?

"An adverse judgment or opinion formed beforehand or without knowledge or
examination of the facts."

I don't feel like listing examples.

What are some rules you have to follow at home?

My parents aren't very strict.
I've never been grounded a single day in my life.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

What a babe!

Anyone who says this song isn't catchy as hell is full of shit.
This is my ringtone.

I have

the bieber fever!

So, anyone who knows me, know that I'm into older men.
But Justin Beiber is sooo cute.
He's a little less than two years younger than me, which is sooo weird.
His songs are sooo corny, but I dig them.

I think the main reason I'm so intrigued by him is because he looks so much like Ryan Sheckler did at around that age.

Monday, March 1, 2010

What are some nutritious foods that you like?

I like fruits and vegetables.
I started a diet today.
Hopefully I will lose a few pounds.

I watched two movies today.

They were Sex & Breakfast and Martian Child.
They were both very good.
John Cusack is one of my favorite actors.