Saturday, January 31, 2009

What would happen if people never co-operated? Why do you think it is important to co-operate?


^^^^Go buy stuffffff. My hoodie should be here today! Yay!
I'm going to go check the mail.

What if all the streets were rivers? What would be different?

What if you didn't make up such dumb subjects??

I hate all time low sluts who only like alex. It's called a band, because like you know, it's a group effort. So, yeah, if you don't know who Rian Dawson is, go fall off a cliff. No one wants to do you.

Maybe its not my weekend, but I'm gonna make this year.

Just wait. June/July.

What if cows gave root beer instead of milk?

I still wouldn't drink it. Utters gross me out along with the cruel treatment of dairy cows. If you honestly think about it, there is some nasty stuff in there, such as pus, blood, etc. Yum. Plus, cows  do not produce milk all the time, only when they are prego or have a calf. So, that means cows have to be pregnant all year round to produce milk, not for their calfs who are so cute, but for humans. I don't know. I'm weird. 

give me your worst words and I'll bring the sticks and stones,
I'd hate to use them,
you can't shake it with broken bones...

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

What would happen if everyone lived in space?

What type of houses would they live in? What type of clothing would they wear? What type of food would they eat? How would they travel?

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

What would happen if there were no television? Why would this be good? bad?

Well, it would be awesome if we didn't have tv.
It is corrupt and fucked up.
Example=Rock of Love.

What would happen if you could fly whenever you wanted? When would you use this ability?

Well, you see, my father is a pilot.
In other words, free traveling.
So, I tend to go places when I feel like it.
I guess.
I spontaneously went to Milwaukee twice last year.
Skipped school and all that shit.
Sometimes, you do crazy things.
But, I earned so much out of it.

Something is going on downstairs.
I better go investigate.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

What is your favourite month? Why?

I like June.
It's like the middle of summer.
My birthday is in june.
Warped tour starts in june.
I go to LA in june, mostly.
June is a good month overall.

All Time Low on this fall out boy tour, what's up with that?

Saturday, January 24, 2009

What is your favourite day of the week?

My favorite day of the week is Wednesday.
It's the middle of the week.
My mom cooks dinner and my sister comes over.
Then, we watch the batchelor.
I'm not sure if spell check is on.
I'm tired.
I'm going to sleep.

What is your favourite holiday? What makes this holiday special?

Hm, I love Christmas, Halloween, and my Birthday.
But, my all time favorite holiday is Warped Tour!
Haha, seriously.

I swear someone is trying to open my back door.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

What is the best advice you ever received?

Never let anyone tell you can't do something.

Everything I honestly know about life, I learned from the weirdest person.

""Unfortunately we live in a time where "fame" and looks, money and power are all glorified and for decades we have been trained as a society to look at these famous people, these "gorgeous" human beings, and covet everything about what we see with the eyes we have...the thing is, that's what orginizations want, they want you to obsess over the way these people look and to buy in to everything that goes around trying to become the thing you obsess over, and worse its just another thing to make us feel seperate from one another. Really we are just tiny tiny organisms squirming about on this rather small I say to people who hate the way they look, as I was born with a rather large nose..focus on inner qualities and inner strengths, in yourself and in others..dont buy in to the trends and all the glam, people are more likely to like someone who is glowing rather than someone who is trying and obsessed with others think about their constatnt move. chin up and keep your focus on positive things thats why focusing on your inner strengths and finding your niche in life is the most important. ""

The only man I've ever needed in my life.^

Anyways, No Doubt announced that they will be touring this summer!
I'm so excited!
I cannot wait to see Gwen!

What is something that really makes you angry?

Homophobic people.
They are ignorant.
Don't throw around the word "faggot."

Only in America, we can have a black president, which I have absolutely no problem with, but we can't have gay marriage.

If you have a problem with gay marriage because of your religion, it's called separation of church and state.
I'm pretty sure America was founded on this very idea.

I don't feel like writing my lifelong opinions on gay rights.
But I'll tell you, gay men are the best thing ever invented.
Bros before hoes.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Children are our future?
If this is the future, I don't want to be part of it.
Runaway with me.
We can be gypsies and travel through Europe while wearing the hottest fashions.

Monday, January 19, 2009

There's only two types of people in the world

The ones that entertain, and the ones that observe
Well baby I'm a put-on-a-show kinda girl
Don't like the backseat, gotta be first
I'm like the ringleader
I call the shots
I'm like a firecracker
I make it hot

I love Britney Spears.
All Time Low start recording their new album tomorrow.
I'm excited.
JAGK comes out tomorrow also.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


I need this.
Hip Bones.
White Tees.
American Apparel.
Gay Men.
Fashion Shows.
Hi Bay!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

What is something that really bugs you?

I have lots of pet peeves.

What is your favourite book and why?

Invisible Monsters by Chuck Palahnuik.
Chuck Palahnuik is my favorite author.
I quote his books all the time.
I like books that catch your attention and make you question things.

"…no matter how much you think you love somebody, you’ll step back when the pool of their blood edges up too close"

"Hysteria is impossible without an audience."

"When did the future switch from being a promise to being a threat?"

"Nothing of me is original. I am the combined effort of everybody I’ve ever known."

"Game shows are designed to make us feel better about the random, useless facts that are all we have left of our education."

"If I can’t be beautiful, I want to be invisible."

"Your past is just a story. And once you realize this it has no power over you. -adapted"

"All God does is watch us and kill us when we get boring. We must never, ever be boring."

"It happens fast for some people and slow for some, accidents or gravity, but we all end up mutilated."

"It's not living alone if you keep a rifle under the bed."

"The best way is not to fight it, just go. Don't be trying all the time to fix things. What you run from only stays with you longer. When you fight something, you only make it stronger."

"The most boring thing in the entire world is nudity. The second most boring thing is honesty."

"The one you love and the one who loves you are never, ever the same person."

"The only reason why we ask other people how their weekend was is so we can tell them about our own weekend."

"When nobody will look at you, you can stare a hole in them. Picking out all the little details you'd never stare long enough to get if she'd ever just return your gaze, this, this is your revenge."

"When you don't share your problems, you resent hearing the problems of other people."

"When you understand that what you're telling is just a story. It isn't happening anymore. When you realize the story you're telling is just words, when you can just crumble it up and throw your past in the trashcan, then we'll figure out who you're going to be."

"Why is it you feel like a dope if you laugh alone, but that's usually how you end up crying?"

"You can't base your life on the past or the present. You have to tell me about your future."

"Your birth is a mistake you'll spend your whole life trying to correct."

What is something that makes you feel sad?

That I don't own these pants.
Haha, overall I'm a happy person.
I have a lot of things going for me.

What is your favourite song and why?

Haha, you know what I just noticed?
All of these words have the British spellings, like with the u.

Anyways, as far as favorite songs go, it changes constantly.
I mean there are a few top favorites.
I will always love Chelsea Hotel by Leonard Cohen.
I find that I have favorite songs by different bands.
From First To Last, as far as they go, I don't have a favorite.
Weezer-Buddy Holly, Falling For You, Perfect Situation
The Academy Is- Attention
All Time Low- The Girl's A Straight Up Hustler, Circles, Jasey Rae, Poppin', Every song by them
The Audition- Lawyers, Basically Controversy Loves Company Album
Bright Eyes-First Day Of My Life, Classic Cars, I like a lot of his stuff
BRIGHTEN- Every song. They are awesome.
The Color Fred- It Isn't Me, If I Surrender
Fall Out Boy-Everything Pre Infinity On High.
Feable Weiner- Strawberry Debutante
Foo Fighters- The Colour And Shape Album
Gym Class Heroes- Hi, this band is in my top 5 favorite bands. Too many songs to pick from.
Head Automatica-The Razor, God, Curious, Cannibal Girl
Katy Perry-Thinking Of You, If You Can Afford Me, Self-Inflicted, Fingerprints, her whole album
The Matches- E.Von Dahl Killed The Locals, Decomposer, Number one favorite band!
Mondo Primo- EastCoast Girls, Their cd is my car stero right now.
Silverstein- First Wrapped In Blood, Smile In Your Sleep, Sound Of The Sun
Something Corporate-Globes And Maps, Drunk Girl, I Woke Up In A Car
Taking Back Sunday- Everything Up Until Fred's Departure

I'm obbsessive.
I'm Listening To Uh Oh! Eplosion right now!
They are good.
Look them up.
They are really good looking and need help getting onto warped again.
Go Vote!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

What is the meaning of "He laughs best who laughs last"?

I'm not quite sure.
I think it has to do with success.

I really want to go to the library.
Or something.

So, on the news tonight, the dude explained in detail what to wear for cold weather.
I was laughing soooo hard.
Then he put on these gloves and was like, "These are lobster gloves. They keep your fingers warmer because your fingers aren't separated."

I love Katy Perry. Her lyrics are so true and her voice is awkward. Her boyfriend is cool,too.
Her cd is pretty awesome.
I find it hard to appreciate girl musicans/ bands because they can't always back their shit.
Katy writes her own lyrics/songs and plays the guitar.
Plus, I love the way she isn't about fitting into the cookie cutter shape people seem to manipulate others into becoming.
I know it's kind of hard to take her seriously when she has songs called "I kissed a girl" and "Ur so gay". But, honestly, if you sit down and actually listen to her album, she's quite complex. In my opinion, those songs just scrape the surface of what makes her so interesting. Her voice is really unique,too, because she can make it work for different styles. Also, she dresses crazy and is into vintage/thrift finds, which is my favorite. There is something about her, but she has caught my attention. I don't see that changing soon. She's awesome live. I saw her at warped tour this summer. I hope she puts out another record.
Btw, record label after label turned this girl down. I bet they are rolling over in their graves right now.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Sunday, January 11, 2009

What is something you are pessimistic about?

I'm the world's biggest pessimist.
I always look at the negatives before I look at the positives.
And, I seem to see the worst in people.
I'm pretty sure it's not proper grammar to start a sentence with and.
But I really don't give a fuck.
Fuck you.
Anyways, seriously, these past two days have been like super awesome. But, I'm trying not to get in over my head. You know? I think I need to keep my guard up. I don't know.

I want a cheese quesadilla.

You know what? is my all time favorite website. This week's secrets were actually good. I sent one in last week. Cool, right?
I kind of hope it doesn't get picked to be on the website though.
Too personal.

But yeah.
I'm going to go to Barnes and Noble this week, or something. I need a good book. Any suggestions?

Saturday, January 10, 2009

What is something you are optimistic about?

Something I am optimistic about would have to be the future of this man.
That sounds so creepy and weird.
But, really, I just sit back and watch him, and he really knows how to get what he wants.
I've known him for about 5 years now, and he is the person I am the proudest of in my life and the one person I look up to.
I'm not saying he's never made a mistake, because he has, but he's pretty close to perfect.
I wish I had the drive and ambition that fuels him.
I see him living the dream, and it makes me wonder if I'll ever be as happy as him.
I just don't understand how things don't get him down. 
I want inside his head.
Actually, I rather meet his father.

I'm a huge pessimist.
I'm always negative.

I'm optimistic when it comes to school.
I'm optimistic about some things in life, which I don't feel compelled to write on here considering I already wrote a novel.

I met some guy from high school musical 3 today.
It was so funny.
I was dying laughing.
He blushed a lot when he was talking to me.
I've never ever seen any of the high school musicals.
I'm going to try and keep it that way.

I went and saw Yes Man with my super awesomely cute boyfriend.
Then it was really cold.
So, the most logical thing to do was to go to sonic and get slushies, right?
Alex being the cool person he is said green apple when he meant to say orange.

But yeah. So, this poem, not sure how I feel about it. Some times I read it and love it. Other times I hate it. Cool?

Manage me.

Manage me,
I am a mess,
swept under the rug of yesterday's home improvement,
a whimsical urge tossed aside for the easy reassurance of home and comfort.
I am the photograph tucked away as a book-mark,
in a book left half unread,
once reopened to find memories crawling back into peripheral sight,
faded, creased and lonely.
I long to be admired,
long to be held, torn and laughed at,
laughed with,
like a distant relative or an old friend breathing in their last breath.
I missed the moment when time collapsed and memory was erased,
replaced by finicky social experiments,
lost in the blur of intoxication,
sucked through multi-colored bendy-straws,
making way for a spinning world where hub-caps stood still,
but our vision didn't.
If I could leave you with only one thing,
it would be small, foldable, and made from trees,
with a few careless words,
scribbled in blue;

Take a minute to learn me,
take a moment to love me,
because I need your love to live,
and without it,
I am nothing.

Friday, January 9, 2009

What is the best way to treat meddlesome people?


intrusive in a meddling or offensive manner; "an interfering old woman"; "bustling about self-importantly making an officious nuisance of himself"; "busy about other people's business" [syn: interfering]

Well,I think everyone has a little bit of curiosity in them.
Isn't human nature to want to know things?
I think some people take things too far.
Such as assuming things or even making up things about others.
I don't know.

I don't pick the subjects for these.

It's been said again and again; life is a process,
we are fleeting moments that come and go,
and I’m grateful to have my time,
my aspirations and my mistakes,
my flaws and my abilities,
think of me what you will,
but before you do,


Thursday, January 8, 2009

What is your idea of a dull evening?

Dull evening?
Probably lurking myspace.

So, I just watched Donnie Darko.
But, I didn't get to see the last 20-30 minutes.
It's weird.

1) Are you really ready for 107 questions?

2) Was your last relationship a mistake?
No regrets. I wouldn't be how I am now. Fate is mysterious.

3) Do you believe in God?


4) Who is the last person you hugged?
Alex, I think?

5) When was the last time you drank Coca Cola?
Not sure.

6) Have you ever been depressed?

7) Have a best friend?

8) Are you a boy or girl?
None. I'm a robot.

9) What is your relationship status?

I have a boyfriend named Alex. He's probably cuter than your boyfriend. Sorry?

10) How do you want to die?
I want to go out with a bang. Unexpected, unusual, and tragically.

1) What did you last eat?
Cheese on crackers with my mom.

12) Have you ever been suspended?

I've never even had detention.

13) Are you currently listening to your MySpace song?

14) When was your last non-physical fight?
I don't get in fights.

15) Do you have an attitude?
Sadly, yes.

16) Ever been in love?
In a completely different way. I still am.

17) What is your real name?
Taylor, but you can call me Quinn. It's more fitting.

18) When was the last time you kissed someone?

19) Name someone you know whose name starts with the letter D?

20) Do you hate anyone at the moment?

21) Do you miss someone?

22) Twirl or cut your spaghetti?
I put it in the blender and drink it like a real man does.

23) Do you tan a lot?
I'm classy.

24) Have any pets?

25) How exactly are you feeling?


26) Ever eaten food in a car while someone or yourself is driving?
Ever jumped off a bridge?No? You should.

27) Ever made out in the bathroom?

28)Would you take any of your exes back?
It's just not that easy, so no. Never.

29) Are you scared of spiders?
The future freaks me out.

30) Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
Hahaha, no.

31) Do you regret anything in your past?
Fate, Fate, Fate.

32) What are your plans for this weekend?
Hang out with my boyfriend.

33) Do you want to have kids?

34) Ever kissed somebody whose name starts with an M?

35) Do you type fast?
I suppose.

36) Do you have piercings?

37) Want any more?

38) Can you spell well?
I got second place in the 8th grade spelling bee.

39) Do you miss anyone from your past?

40) What are you craving right now?

41) Ever been to a bonfire?

42) Do you like swimming?

43) Have you ever been on a horse?
I think. I'm afraid of them.

44) Ever kissed someone in a pick up truck???
No. I'm classy.

45) Have you ever broken someone's heart?
Once or twice.

46) Have you ever been cheated on?
Not to my knowledge.

47) Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?
Cry? I don't know. I've made people upset in the past.

48) How long have you and your boyfriend/girlfriend been dating?
18 days.

49) Would you live with someone without marrying them?

50) What should you be doing?

51) What's irritating you right now?
Driving test.

52) Have you ever liked someone so much that it hurts?
No. I liked someone so much I skipped school twice to go see them in Wisconsin.

53) Does somebody love you?
My mom.

54) What is your favorite color?
At the moment, yellow.

55) Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle?
In a limo once.

56) Are you black or white?
Macadamia Caucasian.

57) Do you have trust issues?

58) When's the last time you ate fast food?
Whoa, last year.

59) Have you ever shaved in the kitchen sink?

60) Do you have a good relationship with your parents?

61) Did you want Barack Obama for president?
Ron Paul,ftw.

62) Do you believe your most recent ex thinks about you?
Well, we've been broken up for a long time, but he does.

63) Who was the last person you cried in front of?
My mom.

64) Do you give out second chances too easily?

65) Is it easier to forgive or forget?
No. I hold grudges.

66) Is this year the best year of your life?

67) What was your childhood nickname?

68) who was the last person you called?

69) Do you think you're a good person?

70) Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?
Yeah. Fate and Karma.

71) What's the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
Looked up monologues.

72) Is there anyone you wish was still in your life?
No. I like to keep them where they belong, the past.

73) What is bothering you?
Driving test. Play audition.

74) Have you ever been out of state?

75) What's your favorite place you've been to?
LA. What's up?

76) Are you listening to music right now?
No. You already asked me this.

77)Do you like chinese food?

78) Do you know your father's birthday?
June 25th.

79) Are you afraid of the dark?
To a certain extent.

80) Is cheating ever okay?

81) Are you mean?

82) Can you keep white shoes clean?
I try, but fail.

83) Have you noticed this survey stopped getting personal?

84) Do you believe in true love?
I believe in soulmates.
Read Plato's theory.

85) Are you proud of the person you've become?

86) Do you like kids?

87) How many do you want?

88) Do you like the outside?

89) Are you currently bored?

90) Do you want to get married?

91) Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?

92) Are you hungry?

93) Do you have a bank account?

94) What makes you happy?
The Color of Violence.

95) Would you change your name?
Yes, to Quinn.

96) Ever been to Alaska?

97) Is there a chance of a new tattoo or piercing soon?

98) Do you watch the news?

99) What' s your zodiac sign?

100) Do you like Subway?

101) Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?

102) Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
Laugh, not possible.

103) Do you talk like your friends?

104) Is it annoying?
Your mom is annoying.

105) Have you ever seen someone you knew and purposely avoided them?

106) Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete

107) Who is the last guy/girl you talked to?
Boy; Alex.

Girl; Mom.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

What is your favourite time of day?

Well, honestly, it depends on the day of the week and stuff.
If it is a week day, then after school.
Weekends,I'm nocturnal.

I really need to get a new, cuter purse.

I'm really sad right now.
I don't know why.
Probably the weather.

I eat a lot of peanut butter and jellies as of lately.
It's kind of annoying.

My sister is coming over and we are watching the bachelor tonight.
That one guy is on there.
He's cool.^^^^
That show is really corny and annoying.
But I always get sucked in.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

What is the worst thing parents can do to their children?

Kill them, haha.
I'm sorry.
That wasn't nice.

So yeah.
I'm retaking my driving test tomorrow.
I'm excited.
Actually, I'm really nervous.

I need to work on my project for photography.
It's due next Tuesday but I just want to get it finished.

I just got home from work.
So, I think I'm going to get a peanut butter and jelly.
Then, I'm going to bed.

The playlist for punk goes pop is like debuting tomorrow.
I can't wait.

Monday, January 5, 2009

What is a good neighbour?

State Farm.
Haha, shit, I don't know.

Today was my first day back from winter break and it was brutal.
I hate waking up early.

Why do journals always have to have corny titles?
I think they are called prompts.

I'm on the phone with my boyfriend right now.
He's talking about his best friend's grandma.

Anyways, I was looking through my photobucket account and found this...<
I'm pretty sure I drew it in like 7th grade, maybe eighth. No point, other than it shows my dedication. I actually have the original hanging up in my room. I'd like to think it looks just like Jack.

I was driving today and my wheel got scratched up.
Then I felt like I was going to throw up.
First time ever hitting the curb.

This journal/blog is obnoxiously long.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

What is your favourite room in your home and why?

I guess my room simply because it's mine.
It's really messy right now.
I need to clean out my desk.
I have a lot of stuff.
Most of which I don't need.
Anyways, I used to have posters all over my walls, of bands.
Then, I met this one band, and it was like okay.
But after about the 4th time hanging out with them and getting to know them, it was just awkward having their poster in my room.
All I have now is a framed photo of us together.
It's not as creepy.
I really want a cardboard cut out of Travis McCoy.
He's so funny.

Anyways, I have to work today.

I saw my boyfriend last night.
I met his mother and father.

Senior pictures make me laugh....

What is something you do well?

Well, I'd like to say I have sweet grammar skills. You know?
This is a weird subject.
I didn't write on here yesterday.
Dumb, so now I have to post two today.

I'm thinking my friend broke up with his girlfriend of 3 years. He's acting weird.
Actually, it seems like everyone is breaking up.
That's lame.

But yeah.
That girl and I never got along.
She's jealous of me, for the stupidest reasons,too.
I'm pretty sure your boyfriend isn't about to leave you for a sixteen year old girl.
It's called trust. Earn some.

Friday, January 2, 2009

What is something you dislike about yourself?

Something I dislike about myself is that I make fun of a lot of people. I know it's wrong, but I can't stop doing it.

Another thing is that I play the nicey nice card all the time. In reality, I'm a bitch.
I don't know why, but I always let people walk all over me. That's lame.

I over use the word, noob, too much.

I typically hate on girls because I feel that they are not worthy of the men they date.

I hold grudges. I don't know how to forgive and forget.

I break hearts.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

'Sup 2009?

Well, today is the 1st of the year. I think I'm going to try and write on here daily. It's cool? Not really. I need subjects for these, seriously. Anyways, I'm happy it's a new year. I really want the past to stay in the past. There are people I simply don't want in my life anymore. I know that sounds awful, but they just bring me down. First year without you in my life and I don't give a fuck. You suck. You are selfish and I'm done.

Anyways, I'm stoked for Jack Barakat's collaboration with Glamor Kills. It's going to be pretty bad ass. Look out for that. The release date is the 20th.
<<< Wearing your own line is for noobs!

I'm going back to school on Monday. I'm not looking forward to that.
I'm thirsty. I wish we had some juice here.

I have a really cute boyfriend.
I like him, alot!

I'm really into reading my horoscope.
They always right.