Tuesday, September 22, 2009

What do you think someone your age can do to help reduce the amount of pollution in our environment?

Haha, wow. This hits really close to home with me. I am currently the president of the earth club at my school.
For people my age, there are many small things people can do to create a big change.
Walking and/or riding a bike
Turning off the lights
Unplugging electronics not currently being used
Properly disposing trash
Volunteering to clean up different areas, such as a local creek or river bank

Right now I am currently working on a project to get recycling bins in every classroom in the school.
It's a really amazing club.

If you would like to get involved, visit dosomething.org

Monday, September 21, 2009

What do you think of 3D movies?

They are okay I suppose.

My school always does blood drives.
I volunteered to donate, but they told me that I didn't weigh enough.

I think I'm really sick and I would like to get some blood work done to find out if my suspicions are correct.
I'm just afraid that if I am sick, and have to be put into the hospital, my vegetarianism is going to be questioned.
I've been thinking really intensely about this for the last 4 days.
Am I really willing to give up my 4 years of hard work for my health?
It really sucks.
I am torn.

I'm supposed to go to simon kenton high school tomorrow for a soccer game.
Maybe I will stop by my mom's work and have them see what's up.

My whole body hurts. I'm too young for this. Help me.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

If your friend told you of a secret plan to run away from home, what would you do and why?

I don't know.

I have something I have to do every single day this week.
On Thursday, I'm doing a cancer walk with my friends from work.
We're going to dress 80's, haha.
I need to find my adidas headband.
I'm really excited.
I'm going to bed now.

If you had to describe yourself as a colour, which would you choose?

I would pick black because it's my favorite color, the only color I wear, and it's classy.
You can never ever own too much black.
I mean, as long as it's tasteful.
Everyone always laughs so hard when they see m closet.
80% is black.

I've been really sick this weekend.
Friday night I almost went to the emergency room.
I had my mom use the symptom checker on webmd, which is my favorite website.
It gave me a list of 20 different things I could have.
My mom didn't agree with any of them and told me she thought my blood sugar was low and made me name everything I ate that day.
Who knows what is wrong with me?
I feel horrible.

If you could break the Guiness Book of Records it would be for?

Something cool I hope. I remember reading those books in grade school. I personally liked the freak section with the wolf people and the world's fattest baby.

I worked tonight. My friend and I were recalling times from middle school. We were laughing so hard.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

If you could participate in an Olympic event, which one would you choose and why?

I don't know.
I would just be Michael Phelp's girlfriend and his personal cheerleader.

I suddenly just felt like I was going to throw up.

So, anyways, I went out tonight with some friends. I was dressed really nice and stuff. This random girl came up to me and was like "Excuse me, you look really familiar. Where do I know you from?" As weird as it sounds, it happens to me all the time. I'm not quite sure what to say back or why they are even asking me. I mean really, it's sooo awkward. I'm nothing special. Don't focus all over your attention on me. I may look important, but it's because I want to be taken seriously.

I also saw this girl tonight. Every time she sees me, she runs and hides. It's really mature. Plus, she loves to start shit. I had this really good idea to make her crazy. But I have to be more mature and decided to not do it. Maybe next time.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

If you owned a store, what would you do to discourage people from stealing from you?

I would grab them by the pony tail, swing them around, throw them on the ground, and the curbstomp them.

I thought about you today.
I was kind of upset, but then I thought of this song....

How was I supposed to know?

All Time Low - Damned If I Do Ya (Damned If I Don't)

As more and more time passes, I find that I hate what this band has become. I love them so much, don't get me wrong, but people give Alex too much credit. I personally don't like him. It's nothing personal, but at the same time, it's those brown eyes I'm a sucker for. I just feel like this band is something I've carried around in my back pocket for the last couple of years. Before Alex was ever good looking, sorry to break your little heart. I'm trying to be happy for them. They deserve everything they achieve. I just don't want them to become the next fall out boy. I used to look up to Andy Hurley so much. You don't see a lot of vegan and straight edge people as you used to. Being a vegetarian and as close to edge you can get without claiming, I admired him. Over the summer I met him and was amazed at how much of an asshole he was. I just don't want this to happen to All Time Low. I sometimes feel ashamed to say I am a fan. I honestly I hate thier fans. There are a few good ones, don't get me wrong. But the majority of them are annoying and obsessive.

At the top of this blog was their 2nd video for their new album and I thought it was completely awful from the plot to the set. I will give credit to whoever edited it.

Monday, September 14, 2009

If there were no rules, what do you think would happen?

The world would be crazy!

So, a while back, probably about a year and a half ago, I went to a local show. This really cute boy kept looking and me and smiling. He approached me and asked me to hold his jacket for him. He ended up putting his number in my phone and texted himself so he could have my number. We talked for a while and then he fell off of the face of the earth. I recently have been getting into facebook more and decided to search him. I found him and then searched for him on myspace. I sound like such a creep. Anyways, he became really not that cute and he is engaged. Hahahahaha. I love weird things like this.

If it were your job to decide what shows can be on t.v., how would you choose?

I would have to say that I wish about 80 percent of the shows that are on, are stupid.

I hardly ever watch tv, but when I have time:
It's On With Alexa Chung
The Tyra Show
America's Next Top Model
Project Runway
Secret Life of the American Teenager
Jon and Kate Plus 8 (I'm team kate, btw.)
Any show that has to do with decorating cakes, mostly the one with the italian family
Dateline NBC

Saturday, September 12, 2009

If you were lost in the woods and it got dark, what would you do?

I would probably have a panic attack.

America's Next Top Model started this week.
I already have my girl picked to win.
Anyone want to place bets?

I'm supposed to be dying my hair soon.
I have the prettiest hair color ever picked out.
I think I'm going to wait until the middle of October to dye it.
One of the girl's I work with is going to do it!

If you were five years older you would...

In 5 years, I'll be 22. That really freaks me out. I really like my age. It's classic. I feel like this is age everyone wants to be, except me. I do wish I was older, but it really doesn't matter any more.

I just love sixteen candles with molly ringwald.

If you were a mouse in your house in the evening, what would you see your family doing?

Is this question for real?
I put on a pair of mickey mouse club ears today.
They were cute.

I work allllll the time.
I mean it's only 3 days a week, but it feels like forever.

I love Justin Bieber's song One Time.
It's so catchy.

If you were principal of this school, what would you do?

I would hope to be an authority figure that people respect and don't treat like shit.

I seriously have had no time to do anything.

My allergies are so bad right now.

I can't breath.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

If you could do whatever you wanted to right now, what would you do?

I really want to get my septum pierced.

Anyways, I wish I had the maturity of Gwen Stefani.
I hope it comes with age.
Listen to exgirlfriend and then listen to cool.
They are too completely different concepts.
She's crazy!

Monday, September 7, 2009

If you received any sum of money as a gift, what would you do with it?

I would have my dad invest it for me.

I really want to learn how to square dance.
It's really funny.

I went to the emergency room today.
I can't hear.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

I love the city of angels.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

If you could have been someone in history, who would you have been?

I really like being myself...
But if I could fill anyone's shoe's for a day, I'd pick Marilyn Monroe.
She's so beautiful.
Today was the first time in forever that I actually felt happy. Nothing exciting or unusual happened. I think it's because you weren't in my thoughts. This is the first day were I could give a shit less about you. I'm finally over you. 100%. You know what really confuses me about you? I can't write about you. I love writing. I write about people all the time. I have people who are my muses. I used to have a whole drawer filled with stuff I wrote on this particular individual, hundreds of papers. It all came so easy. When I think about you, when I put the pen to the paper, I've got nothing. I guess you really didn't have that big of an impact on me and it makes me laugh so hard. Seriously.

I got to hang out with a close acquaintance the other night. I hadn't seen them in a while. I won't lie, I had a little crush on him. We were talking and he said he had a girlfriend. It kind of sucks, but I'd rather be friends than nothing. You know? Somehow we got onto the subject of prom. He was telling me about how he took his best friend to prom and how he was secretly in love with her. Then they went to an after party and she ditched him for her lame boyfriend. I think she's missing out. He's such a lovely man. Anyone would be lucky to have him. He's such a sweetheart.

The other night I had a dream about Shawn Harris. It was so strange. It sucks so bad that my favorite band had to break up. I seriously loved them so much. You don't see a lot of bands who go against the grain and what's popular. That's what I liked about them. I live on the other side of the country and was not able to attend all of the going away shows in the bay. If you didn't know, my car is named after him.

What would you do if you saw a friend cheating--report it, confront the friend, nothing--and why?

Once a cheater, always a cheater.
I had no time to update last night.
That means 2 blogs in one day.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

What would you say if someone told you it was all right to steal from a large department store?

Shoplifting is never right.
I always have to watch people at my work.
I catch them all the time.
I thinking about writing a blog about fashion when I have more time.
It should be interesting.
Right now I'm dying.