Thursday, September 3, 2009

If you could have been someone in history, who would you have been?

I really like being myself...
But if I could fill anyone's shoe's for a day, I'd pick Marilyn Monroe.
She's so beautiful.
Today was the first time in forever that I actually felt happy. Nothing exciting or unusual happened. I think it's because you weren't in my thoughts. This is the first day were I could give a shit less about you. I'm finally over you. 100%. You know what really confuses me about you? I can't write about you. I love writing. I write about people all the time. I have people who are my muses. I used to have a whole drawer filled with stuff I wrote on this particular individual, hundreds of papers. It all came so easy. When I think about you, when I put the pen to the paper, I've got nothing. I guess you really didn't have that big of an impact on me and it makes me laugh so hard. Seriously.

I got to hang out with a close acquaintance the other night. I hadn't seen them in a while. I won't lie, I had a little crush on him. We were talking and he said he had a girlfriend. It kind of sucks, but I'd rather be friends than nothing. You know? Somehow we got onto the subject of prom. He was telling me about how he took his best friend to prom and how he was secretly in love with her. Then they went to an after party and she ditched him for her lame boyfriend. I think she's missing out. He's such a lovely man. Anyone would be lucky to have him. He's such a sweetheart.

The other night I had a dream about Shawn Harris. It was so strange. It sucks so bad that my favorite band had to break up. I seriously loved them so much. You don't see a lot of bands who go against the grain and what's popular. That's what I liked about them. I live on the other side of the country and was not able to attend all of the going away shows in the bay. If you didn't know, my car is named after him.

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