Monday, November 30, 2009

What do you think courage means?

It means you don't let people fuck with you, your family, or your friends.

The other day I was talking to someone about creepy phone calls. We were saying how weird people would call our places of employment and ask weird questions. She used to work as a manager of denny's a long, long, long time ago. This dude would call once a week around 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning and ask whoever answered the phone,"What kind of pantyhose do you have on?"

I used to have a job that required that I had to wear a name tag. People would just say the weirdest things. So, I put a fake name on my name tag; Marilyn. That was my name for over a year. There was this one guy who always flirted with me and even called where I worked and asked to speak to Marilyn. Creepy.

Anyways, there is this guy that calls me periodically. It's never from the same number. I mean, I know who the person is and all, but I have no way of contacting them, if that makes sense. So, he calls and tells me how he is in love with me and how he thinks about me all the time. Weird, right? He also has a girlfriend. It really makes me feel awkward and uncomfortable. And the calls always come at weird hours, too. It could be the time zone differences, but still. Guys are so stupid.

I haven't been on here in forever. It makes me sad. This whole blog was basically one huge run on sentence. Today I was watching Tyra and they were talking about how UCLA did a study about people who keep diaries. The study showed people who keep diaries are more happy than those who don't. Does this blog count as a diary? I hope. It does relieve some stress to just vent on here. It does make me laugh that people actually get on here and read the stupid shit I say. So funny.

Anyways, I'm going to bed now.
I love you.

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