Monday, February 2, 2009

What would happen if it really did rain cats and dogs?

Then the world would be in more shit than it already is.

I would just like to voice my opinions on the woman who gave birth to 8 kids.
First off, do not compare her to Jon and Kate, plus 8.
This lady is crazy.
I can understand not being able to have children and wanting to still pursue that.
But there is a fine line and this lady crossed it.
In my opinion, I believe you should only bring another person into this world if you are financially and emotionally stable.
I don't know why society acts like having a kid is not a big deal, because it is.
I know shit happens and people get pregnant.
That's obviously understandable.
But, is it crossing that fine line I mentioned earlier when you venture into people who know what they are getting into?
Such as in vitro fertilization?
So, this fucking crazy lady is not married and still lives with her parents.
Keep in mind she already has not one, but six other kids she birthed with the help of science.
So, she had some embryos left over from her last pregnancy, 8 to be exact, and she did not want them to be destroyed.
Being the smart person she is, she decides to have them inserted into her uterus, etc, etc, etc.
SURPRISE! All eight kids grew.
Now, for a mother, why would you put your life in danger like that?
If you have six kids already, why put yourself at risk?
And it's selfish.
She put all eight of those babies at risk.
All eight of them born premature.
Some of them can't even breath on their own.
She lives at home with her parents in a three bedroom home...
So two adults to tend to their irresponsible daughter's 14 children?
I guess the mom could help out, but then again, she's not right in the head and seems to think everything she does is perfectly fine.

Jon and Kate are honestly really inspiring.
I know people are going to say that Kate used in vitro fertilization also, and yes this is true.
But when they went into process, it was highly unlikely that all of the embryos would survive and continue the entire pregnancy.
Also, in the world right now, there are only 14 sets of living sextuplets.
So, the goslings are 1 of 14.
Plus, Jon and Kate were married.
They both had jobs.
They owned a house.
They were financially responsible.
And guess what, tlc offered them a tv and with that comes money.
In my opinion, they deserve every penny because you know's not for them.
It all goes to things for those kids.

So, while we are on the subject of money, this crazy bitch is getting offers left and right. There are talks of her getting a book deal and possibly a tv show.
Don't buy into any of it.
Do not give this women one cent or even one second of your time.
She's not worth it.
Any person who has kids for fame and fortune is dumb.

So, yeah.
End rant.

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