Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I miss

listening to something corporate.

Maybe when I'm done with thinking,
Maybe you can think me whole.
Maybe when I'm done with endings
This can begin, this can begin
This can begin.

I went to the ENT today. That is a doctor who specializes in the ears, nose, and throat. My ears are dry, haha. That's why they have been bothering me. I took a hearing test. I almost perfect except for two things in my left ear. It makes me sad. The guy giving the test was really, really, really weird. The first part of the test included me repeating the words he would say. The first word he said was hotdog. I was cracking up.

Then we talked about my tonsils. I have two options, first, I can live with my issues, or two, get them removed.
I think I'm going to have them removed.
The only problem is you have to rest 7-10 days after.
I can't afford to miss 7-10 days of school.
And I don't want to waste my spring break.
So, I'm waiting until summer!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good day, sun shines!
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